New anesthesia rules recently became effective and expand services. The changes include the ability of physician anesthesiologists and dentists with general anesthesia permits to sedate patients of anesthesia permit holders in the permit holder’s office if the office is equipped and approved as meeting the standards for general anesthesia. Florida licensed dentists without an anesthesia permit and who have completed a minimum of four hours of airway management training may perform dental treatment on a patient who has been sedated by an anesthesia permit holder in the office of the permit holder. Refer to the letter mailed to anesthesia permit holders on March 21, 2013 and rules 64B5-14.0032, 64B5-14.0034, and 64B5-14.0036, F.A.C. for the full text.
Changes to Anesthesia Rules

Posted in Latest News on January 30, 2013.