Meeting Information

The Florida Board of Dentistry meets four times a year. The full Board meetings include disciplinary cases, licensure approvals, correspondence items, committee reports, policy discussion items and other necessary Board action. All General Board Business meetings commence at 7:30 a.m. EST on Friday. Committee and Council meetings are scheduled as required throughout the year. The Board will notice individuals of a required appearance if necessary. Dates and locations are subject to change.

Please note there are deadlines associated with each meeting and materials submitted after the deadline will be subject to review and approval by the Chair of the Board.  Please email the Board at for information on submission of materials.

Next Meeting:
Meeting Materials:
July 12, 2024

Probable Cause Panel

Meeting Location:
Telephone Conference Call at 12:00pm E.T.

Meet Me #:
1 (888) 585-9008

Participation Code:

FAR Notice (PDF)
Agenda (PDF)
Public Book (PDF)

Upcoming Meeting Notices, Agendas & Public Books

Date Meeting Type Materials
July 17, 2024 Rulemaking for Dentistry FAR Notice (PDF) Agenda (PDF)
July 23, 2024 Council on Dental Hygiene FAR Notice (PDF)
August 16, 2024 Board Meeting FAR Notice (PDF)
October 22, 2024 Council on Dental Hygiene FAR Notice (PDF)
November 15, 2024 Board Meeting FAR Notice (PDF)

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