| Traci Zeh Executive Director Responsibilities: Serves as Administrative Officer of the Board of Dentistry. Coordination of Board Budget & Expenses. Analyze, Track, & Implement Legislation and Rule Development. Liaison with Board Members & Board Counsel. Liaison with State and National Associations.
Sarah Shappard
Program Operations Administrator
Responsibilities: Responsible for the administrative staff and application processing staff of all Dentistry professions. Manages coordination of website updates, assists in the implementation of new legislation and rule development, manages non-profit corporation permit applications and renewals, oversees anesthesia permit applications, inspections, and consultant contracts; processes Adverse Occurrence reports, manages preparation of agendas and minutes of all Board and Committee meetings, attends all Board and Committee meetings, processes final orders, manages the preparation and facilitation of all Probable Cause Panels.
Ramsey Garner
Government Analyst II
Responsibilities: Responsible for processing applications and inspections for dental laboratories, processes applications for, and maintaining the list of current, Expanded Duties programs, preparation/maintenance of training material for staff, processes applications for anesthesia and Non-Profit Corporation permits, monitors inspections, conducts regular website reviews and performs all necessary updates, processes applications for approval of Continuing Education providers and courses, performs applicant/licensure record maintenance and change requests, conducts review of applications with prior and/or current criminal, health, and/or discipline, assists the Program Operations Administrator in day-to-day office oversight. Corresponds with the public, licensees and applicants, telephonically and in writing, regarding inquiries pertaining to the Laws and Rules that regulate all Dentistry professions.
Solazia Billington
Regulatory Specialist III
Responsibilities: Responsible for meeting preparation for all Board and Committee meetings, performs all office administrative functions, assists application processing staff, performs applicant/licensure record maintenance and update requests, coordinates with support services offices regarding consumer reports and licensing concerns, processes applications for approval of Continuing Education courses and course providers, processes all licensure status change requests. Corresponds with the public, licensees and applicants, telephonically and in writing, regarding general inquiries in all dentistry professions.
John Milton
Regulatory Specialist II
Responsibilities: Responsible for processing applications for licensure, registration, and permitting. Corresponds with the public, licensees and applicants, telephonically and in writing, regarding inquiries pertaining to licensure for Dentists, Health Access Dentists, Limited Licensure, Temporary Certificates, and Dental Teaching Permits.
Lorin Stevens
Regulatory Specialist II
Responsibilities: Responsible for processing applications for licensure, registration, and permitting. Corresponds with the public, licensees and applicants, telephonically and in writing, regarding inquiries pertaining to licensure for Dental Hygienists, Graduates from Non-Accredited Programs, and Local Anesthesia permits.
Vacant Regulatory Specialist II
Responsibilities: Responsible for processing applications for licensure, registration, and permitting. Corresponds with the public, licensees and applicants, telephonically and in writing, regarding inquiries pertaining to licensure for Dental Radiographers and Residency Interns, as well as other general inquiries.
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