UPDATE: The Florida Department of Health is pleased to announce its partnership with the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA) and Miami Dade College to offer a special administration of the American Board of Dental Examiners (ADEX) licensing examination for dentists from Puerto Rico or the United States Virgin Islands who are seeking licensure in Florida.
This special administration of the ADEX dental examination will be held on February 10-12, 2018 at Miami Dade College exclusively for dentists who have fled Puerto Rico or the United States Virgin Islands. Please contact the Florida Board of Dentistry to reserve your slot as space is limited. The cost of this examination has also been drastically reduced to $500 saving those most affected by Hurricanes Maria and Irma over $1,700. This is a one-time special rate and cannot carry over for the June 2018 regularly scheduled exam. There is also an additional facility fee charged by Miami Dade College of approx. $350.
This partnership is designed to help those dentists who have fled Puerto Rico or the United States Virgin Islands following the devastation from Hurricanes Maria and Irma that need to satisfy the examination requirement for licensure in Florida as a dentist.
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The Board of Dentistry provides the following information to assist individuals from Puerto Rico who are seeking to work in Florida:
Requirements differ based on what type of dental license you are seeking.
- Health Access Dentist – This license allows you to work for a program or an institution of the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Health, the Department of Juvenile Justice, a nonprofit community health center, a Head Start center, a federally qualified health center or look-alike as defined by federal law, a school-based prevention program, a clinic operated by an accredited college of dentistry, or an accredited dental hygiene program in this state. Requirements can be found here.
- Limited Dental License – This license allows you to provide services only to the indigent or critical need populations within Florida. Requirements can be found here.
- Dental Temporary Certificate – This license allows you to work in a state or county government facility. Requirements can be found here.
- Dental Teaching Permit – This license may be issued to a full time dental instructor of a CODA accredited dental school in Florida and is valid in only that setting. Requirements can be found here.